

Here are photos showing some of my origami. The image links below go to the sections of the gallery.

Models by Others

origami index card tetrahedronModular
origami containerBoxes
origami appleSingle Sheet

Original Models

origami clovery cubeModular
origami 3D puff starSingle Sheet

I accumulated the origami pictured in the sections of the first row mostly during 2012-2013 and the rest during 2014-2016. Whenever a model in one of these sections has its diagrams or a video available online, I make the name of the model link to them. I hope this gallery will inspire you to explore all the fun and diverse media in the origami world!

If you happen to know the name/creator of any model pictured here whose name is taken by a "?", please contact me.

Modular - Models by Others

origami jasmine dodecahedron Jasmine Dodecahedron by Meenakshi Mukerji.
origami swirl dodecahedron 2 Swirl Dodecahedron 2 by Meenakshi Mukerji.
origami petunia unit crown Funny assembly of Meenakshi Mukerji's Petunia unit.
origami index card tetrahedron Windowed variation of Tetra'Hiro'n by Hiro Okamoto.
origami rhombic dodecahedron Rhombic dodecahedra by Jun Maekawa (left) and Nick Robinson (right).
origami whirl cube origami solid cube Solid Cube by Robert Lang (left) and Whirl Cube by Meenakshi Mukerji (right).
origami daisy cube origami fantastic Daisy Cube and 6-unit assembly of FanTastic by Meenakshi Mukerji.
origami brocade origami modular cube 6-unit assembly of Brocade by Minako Ishibashi (left) and Modular Cube by Lewis Simon (right).