
Recttie Sonobe

origami recttie sonobe boxed bow tie instructions diagrams

(Click on the image for instructions.)

Instructions revision: 0

Instructions for this model have been published in the PCOC 2017 collection book by Origami USA. These instructions were drawn about 2 years before they were included in this book. The name listed for the model in this book is "Recttie Sonobe." In the gallery page, the model is also called "Boxed Bow Tie Sonobe." The idea behind the former name is the combination of the words "rectangle" and "bowtie." The idea of the bowtie in the center of the unit was borrowed from Tomoko Fuse.

To my knowledge as of 1/23/18, the only way of obtaining these instructions is to have gone to PCOC, which was were they gave copies of the book.

3/25/18: The PCOC 2017 collection book can be found on The Source (click image link above).